Ukrainian American Veterans march in New York City parade

NEW YORK - Against the backdrop of an overcast sky, thousands upon thousands of veterans of all nationalities flocked to the city of New York as though to prepare for an invasion. The rains that were forecast never came, but the veterans of all colors and nationalities came to honor those who fought in the Korean War and to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Over 1,789,000 served in the Korean War - battle dead included over 33,686, and over 7,500 died while captured or missing. The 22 countries that participated in the Korean War were all represented one way or another at the parade commemorating its 50th anniversary. Over 220 veterans' organizations and bands took part in the Veterans' Day parade up Fifth Avenue, cheered on by onlookers.

The Ukrainian American Veterans were represented by Brooklyn Post 27, New York Post 7 and Yonkers Post 301. Small in numbers compared to their counterparts, the UAV marched up Fifth Avenue to the cadence of former U.S. Marine Sgt. Taras Szczur.

Upon coming to the reviewing stand, instead of the command "eyes left," while marching the Ukrainians came to a dead halt, executed a left face and saluted the reviewing personnel. Upon completion, they executed a right face. The command "forward march" was met by a thunderous roar from the onlooking crowds.

Along the parade route "Thank you, veterans" signs were visible from both sides of the street. Whenever a cheerful "Thank you" was yelled from the crowd it was more than enough to put a lump in the throat and a tear in the eye of the hardest of veterans.

Marching down Fifth Avenue until they turned onto 72nd Street, the dispersal area, the Ukrainian contingent was applauded for its military appearance and marching - not just by the onlookers but also by the New York City police officers manning the intersections.

The parade participants included newly elected National Commander Matthew Koziak, who carried the Brooklyn Post 27 flag; former Brooklyn Post Commander Jurij Hirniak, carrying the American colors; former National Commander Steve Szewczuk; newly appointed National Publication/Public Relations Officer Taras Szczur; Brooklyn Post 27 Commander George Mutlos; as well as Jerry Nestor, Peter Terrebetzky and George Yurkiw.

Next year the UAV plans to enlist the help of Ukrainians dressed in traditional Ukrainian costumes.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 19, 2000, No. 47, Vol. LXVIII

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