Copies of Encyclopedia of Ukraine to be distributed to Ukrainian libraries

TORONTO - In a brief ceremony recently held at the offices of the Consulate General of Ukraine in Toronto, three sets of the five-volume English-language Encyclopedia of Ukraine were presented to Consul General Ihor Lohinov to be forwarded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kyiv for distribution to Ukrainian libraries.

Presentation of the sets was made possible by a generous donation from the Rt. Rev. Jaroslaw Hajmanowycz of Montreal to the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies.

Presenting the sets were Christine Stodilka-Curkowskyj, foundation president, and Lesya Winnicki, the foundation's administrator. The Foundation, which funded printing of the encyclopedia, now has responsibility for distribution of the work. Under a special program, donations make it possible for the encyclopedia to be sent to libraries in Ukraine and elsewhere.

The Encyclopedia of Ukraine is a unique source of information about Ukraine in the English language, especially useful for those pursuing higher studies. Publication of the encyclopedia by the University of Toronto Press was a collaborative undertaking by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (University of Alberta), the Shevchenko Scientific Society (Sarcelles, France) and the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 26, 2000, No. 48, Vol. LXVIII

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