Plast convenes worldwide conference in Kyiv

by Oksana Zakydalsky

KYIV - The worldwide Conference of Ukrainian Plast Organizations - the international Plast body whose members include nine national Plast organizations - held its 14th general meeting in Kyiv on November 9-12. There were over 100 participants, with delegates representing all member-organizations located in Ukraine, the United States, Canada, Argentina, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland and Slovakia.

Although the Plast organization in Ukraine became a member of the international body in 1991, this was the first time the general meeting was held in Ukraine. The selection of Kyiv as the site of the conclave was intended to aid the Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization in achieving a higher profile in the capital city.

The move proved to have been a good one as official greetings were conveyed from President Leonid Kuchma; the State Committee on Sport, Youth and Tourism; the National Committee of Youth Organizations (a non-governmental association); the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church; and the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Mykhailo Horyn appeared on behalf of the Ukrainian World Coordinating Council and greetings were sent by Kyiv-based embassies of the United States and Canada.

But the highlight of the meeting was the appearance of Prime Minister Viktor Yuschenko, who not only spoke to the delegates but was named an honorary Plast member.

The Prime Minister mentioned that he had become acquainted with the work of Plast several years ago when he visited the summer camps in the Carpathians organized for Ukrainian orphans by Help Us Help the Children. The camp leadership at the time was made up mostly of Plast members - both from the diaspora and Ukraine.

The prime minister emphasized that he shares the ideals of Plast - duty to God and country, duty to others and commitment to self-development - and he praised Plast for taking up the task of involving Ukraine's youth in the building of the Ukrainian nation and the Ukrainian state.

During the four-day meeting, the delegates approved a revised constitution and passed numerous resolutions that will serve as guidelines for the newly elected leadership.

Slava Rubel of the United States was elected to head the Supreme Plast Bulava, and Yaroslav Havrykh of the United Kingdom was elected to head the Supreme Plast Council.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 3, 2000, No. 49, Vol. LXVIII

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