Film director addresses Hollywood Group

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. - Jim Makichuk, Hollywood writer, director and producer, related the story of his career in the film industry to a meeting of members of the Hollywood Trident Network at the UCLA Faculty Center on October 26.

Mr. Makichuk described how he grew up on the prairies of western Canada in a little town where his only outlet was the local movie theater. That eventually led to a job in a TV station mailroom, and a decision to drop out of college, where he was majoring in psychology, and begin a career that has spanned 25 years. During that time he did everything from writing to news camera work to editing, directing and producing hundreds of commercials and a documentary that was a finalist for a 1976 Academy Award.

After winning the green card lottery he came to Los Angeles, where he has written TV movies for Paramount as well as several independent producers, and now has several feature-length projects in various stages of development.

A central theme of his presentation was the Ukrainian influence on his life - particularly the discrimination he encountered during his early life in Canada. (Mr. Makichuk may be contacted via e-mail at [email protected].)

Meeting participants also watched videotapes of the Jack Palance Film Festival that took place in Edmonton on October 10-14. The festival ran some 10 films from Mr. Palance's career as an actor.

The goal of the Hollywood Trident Network is to facilitate contact among members interested in the entertainment industry and Ukrainian affairs. For information contact Andriy Semotiuk, c/o of Manning & Marder, 707 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017; e-mail, [email protected], telephone, (213) 624-6900; fax, (213) 624-6999. The Hollywood Trident Network's e-mail address is [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 3, 2000, No. 49, Vol. LXVIII

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