Metropolitan Sulyk's statement on the appointment of his successor

Below is the text of the statement issued by Metropolitan-Archbishop Stephen Sulyk regarding the appointment of his successor, who was elected by the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and nominated by the pope.

To our Reverend Clergy and Venerable Religious, and our God-loving Faithful, all Brothers and Sisters in the Lord:

Slava Isusu Khrystu!

I am pleased to share the wonderful news that our holy father, Pope John Paul II, has appointed the Most Rev. Stefan Soroka, 49, presently auxiliary bishop of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg, Canada, my successor as metropolitan-archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. Archbishop Stefan will serve as the seventh spiritual head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States. In making this appointment, the holy father accepted my resignation, which was submitted to him pursuant to the provision of canon law when I attained the age of 75 in October 1999. Until the installation of Metropolitan Soroka next year (the date is not determined), I will continue to serve as administrator of our archeparchy. The holy father also accepted the resignation of my auxiliary bishop, Walter Paska, 77, who submitted his resignation to the Holy See in November 29, 1998, upon reaching the canonical age of 75 for retirement.

The Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, which met in Ukraine in July, made its recommendation to the Holy See for the selection of the new metropolitan-archbishop of Philadelphia.

I have known Bishop Soroka since 1981, when he was a seminarian and a priest-student at our St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Washington from 1979 to 1985, where he earned both his STB and doctorate in social work from The Catholic University of America. During this time he became known and a friend of many of our priests and became most familiar with our archeparchy and many of our parishes.

Since he was named auxiliary bishop of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg in 1996, he has been a colleague and good friend, especially as we gathered in synodal meetings of our Ukrainian Catholic Church. His youth, his enthusiasm and his dedication will enable him to bring new vitality to our Church as we journey into the 21st century.

In the coming weeks we prepare to welcome our new spiritual shepherd, I would ask all to pray for him and to remember Bishop Walter and me in your prayers. St. Ignatius of Antioch reminds us how we should welcome our new metropolitan: "Whoever is sent by the Master to run his house, we ought to receive him as we would receive the Master himself. It is obvious, therefore, that we ought to regard the bishop as we would the Lord Himself."

Finally, I wish to thank all of you personally for your support, cooperation and prayer throughout the years since I became your metropolitan almost two decades ago, in 1981. May God Bless you all.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Stephen Sulyk
Archieparchial Administrator
Metropolitan-Archbishop emeritus

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 10, 2000, No. 50, Vol. LXVIII

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