Cardinal Lubachivsky dies

As The Ukrainian Weekly was preparing to go to press, news was received from Bishop Lubomyr Husar in Lviv that the primate of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky, had died on Thursday, December 14.

Bishop Husar, who served as the auxiliary to Cardinal Lubachivsky and the administrator of the UGCC based in Lviv, stated: "With profound sadness and pain we hereby announce that on December 14, at 4:45 a.m. His Beatitude Patriarch and Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky fell asleep in the Lord. May his memory be eternal."

Cardinal Lubachivsky, 86, had been ailing since 1996. In October of that year he granted extraordinary powers to his auxiliary, Bishop Husar, who had been named just six months earlier to the newly established Kyiv-Vyshhorod Exarchate.

Our Kyiv Press Bureau reported that Church officials in Lviv said funeral services would be held on Wednesday, December 20; no further information was available at press time.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 17, 2000, No. 51, Vol. LXVIII

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