Ukrainian, Ruthenian and Melkite clergy meet at retreat

LIGONIER, Pa. - Clergy from three Byzantine jurisdictions met for a four-day retreat here at Antiochian Village in the lovely Laurel Highlands of western Pennsylvania during the week of October 16, when the leaves were ablaze with autumn color. Ukrainian Catholic Bishop Robert Moskal, with a large number of his priests and three of his deacons, joined priests and deacons from the Ruthenian Eparchy of Parma and the Melkite Eparchy of Newton, Mass., to hear the Very Rev. Thomas Hopko, dean of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary in New York, speak on prayer.

The Rev. Hopko, a renowned and accomplished author, began his presentations to the clergy by reminding them that, first and foremost, they were ministers of prayer; that they were to pray themselves and then assist others in prayer. They were to teach prayer, nurture prayer, promote prayer and - when it became deviant - correct prayer.

Each ethnic group took a turn at leading public worship each day, the Ukrainians on Tuesday, the Ruthenians on Wednesday and the Melkites on Thursday. Bishop Robert served the divine liturgy with four of his presbyters: Msgr. John Stevensky of Georgia, Msgr. George Appleyard and Msgr. Peter Waslo of Ohio, and the Rev. Ivan Chirovsky of Florida. Deacon Michael Kulick served with them.

Bishop Basil Schott, OFM, of the Byzantine Eparchy of Parma was due to serve the divine liturgy on Wednesday, but was prevented at the last minute from attending by illness. His protosyncellus, Msgr. Robert Yarnovitz, rector of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Parma, Ohio, was the protos at the Holy Table, while Bishop Robert presided from the episcopal chair. Msgr. Yarnovitz was joined by the Very Rev. Michael Evanick, regional protosyncellus for the Midwest, the Very Rev. David Hannes, regional protosyncellus for the Great Lakes region, and Deacon Michael Kenes. Thirty-one priests and two deacons from that eparchy attended the retreat.

On the third day the Melkite clergy served. In the absence of Bishop Nicholas Samra, Archimandrite Philip Raczka of Akron, Ohio, was the protos at the Holy Table, while Bishop Robert again presided at the episcopal chair. The Rev. Kenneth Sherman of Rochester, N.Y., and the Rev. Ignatius Harrington, who pastors the Melkite congregations in Columbus and Zanesville, Ohio, served with Archimandrite Philip, with the assistance of Deacon James Solomon of Warren, Mich.

A committee of three priests had arranged the retreat: Canon John Ropke for the Ukrainians, the Rev. Denis Hrubiak for the Ruthenians and the Rev. Ibrahim Ibrahim for the Melkites.

Besides the Rev. Hopko's moving talks, the celebration of the Eucharist and meals, the group had prayers together each evening (vespers or compline) and then had time to socialize. With the clergy spread out over such a large geographical area, this was an opportunity for them to re-establish contact with each other and to come to know priests and deacons from other jurisdictions.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 17, 2000, No. 51, Vol. LXVIII

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