Meanwhile, at The Weekly: it's yearender time, again

When last we wrote from our editorial offices here at The Ukrainian Weekly, it was 1999, the end of a millennium ... or maybe it's the year 2000 that was the end of the millennium. Millennium-schmillennium - life goes on!

Whatever the case may be, in what was just a blur, another year had passed, and it was time once again for our yearender. But there is one difference: this time, due to various production scheduling concerns, our review of the past year's events appears in the first issue of the new year, instead of the last issue of the old.

As has become traditional, we conclude our "Year in Review" with a look at the goings-on here at The Weekly.

Milestones in Y2K


In other news...

A note of thanks

It is only fitting that at the end of the year we thank all those who made our work possible:

A special "thank you" goes also to our young editorial assistants: Myroslaw Bytz, Peter Steciuk, Taisa Welhasch and Stepan Vitvitsky, all college students who have helped out at The Weekly at various times during the year 2000, and Deanna Yurchuk, a senior majoring in journalism/English at Rutgers University, who has been a steady part-timer since late November.

* * *

In closing this section, and the "2000: The Year in Review," we wish all of you, Dear Readers, good fortune, success, happiness, health and the fulfillment of your dreams in 2001 and beyond.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 7, 2001, No. 1, Vol. LXIX

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