CSCE sees Gongadze case as a threat to democracy

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Helsinki Commission Chairman Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.) on December 20, 2000, reiterated his concern about recent apparent attempts by the Ukrainian police to intimidate media looking into allegations linking President Leonid Kuchma and top aides to the disappearance of journalist Heorhii Gongadze.

"The media must be allowed to report and comment without fear of duress, even if their reports allege improprieties by high-ranking officials or are critical of the government response to these allegations," said Rep. Smith. "Freedom of the media is a fundamental element of any democracy. Attempts to intimidate the media for publishing or broadcasting criticism of the government are contrary to Ukraine's international commitments regarding freedom of the media, including its OSCE [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe] commitments."

In another of the country's media intimidation cases, a Security Service of Ukraine officer reportedly threatened the head of Radio Liberty's Ukrainian Service based in Prague with the termination of its activities in Ukraine if Radio Liberty continued to "one-sidedly" cover developments in the Gongadze case.

In other developments, the Ukrainian State Tax Administration police recently raided the offices of the Eastern Economist and threatened officials with closure after the weekly publication recently ran an editorial critical of the government's lack of effectiveness in dealing with the growing scandal surrounding the Gongadze case.

Rep. Smith urged the Ukrainian government to undertake a speedy, serious, open and transparent investigation into the remains believed to be those of Gongadze. He also expressed hope that the Ukrainian Parliament would continue its efforts to seriously examine allegations concerning official involvement in Mr. Gongadze's disappearance, and do so without hindrance.

"It is in Ukraine's best interest to resolve this grave matter in a timely and just manner before the case further tarnishes the government's credibility in dealing with fundamental human rights," said the chairman of the Helsinki Commission.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 14, 2001, No. 2, Vol. LXIX

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