Kolo Project premieres "memorysongs" in Ohio

by Arcadia Melnyk

COLUMBUS, Ohio - On December 7 and 8, 2000, the Kolo Project premiered its new dance work, "DUMA: memorysongs," at Ohio State University and at Antioch College in Ohio.

Featuring choreography by Katja Kolcio, with musical direction by Julian Kytasty. "DUMA: memorysongs" was described by Ms. Kolcio as an exploration of the role of memory in creating and preserving cultural identity.

The performance traveled back through history, viewing various epochs of Ukrainian experience. Ms. Kolcio presented these epochs in impressionist dance vignettes. Like memories altered, softened and distorted over time, Ms. Kolcio and Mr. Kytasty explored their Ukrainian heritage using modern dance movement set to traditional musical sources.

The "Duma of Khvedir, The One Without Kin," the "Kyiv Waltz" and a collage of ancient, pre-Christian Ukrainian melodies were played live by Julian Kytasty. These were interspersed with an electronically arranged score created by Alex Kytasty.

The premier of "DUMA: memorysongs" was preceded by a week of performances, workshops and lectures about bandura music and the Kobzar tradition by Julian Kytasty at Antioch College and a special appearance at public radio station WYSO. Ms. Kolcio had been visiting artist/faculty in modern dance at Antioch College for the fall semester and created "DUMA memorysongs" as part of her residency there.

Ms. Kolcio and Mr. Kytasty are both currently based in New York City. In 1999 Ms. Kolcio founded the Kolo Project to facilitate collaborative performances based on issues of community and identity.

"DUMA: memorysongs" was commissioned by Antioch College and then brought to Ohio State University by the OSU Center for Slavic and East European Studies with funding from the departments of music, dance, Slavic languages and literature.

Additional support was provided by the Ukrainian Cultural Association of Central Ohio Inc. and Meet the Composer Inc.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 28, 2001, No. 4, Vol. LXIX

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