Newark schoolchildren win Christmas caroling contest

NEWARK, N.J. - On January 7, Christmas Day by the Julian calendar, the Selfreliance UA Federal Credit Union, Western Union, Ukrainian National Women's League of America Branch 125 of New York City, the newspaper Zakordonna Gazeta and the radio program "Voice of Ukraine," under the patronage of the consul general of Ukraine in New York, sponsored a competition of Ukrainian Christmas carols and Christmas greetings at the Ukrainian National Home in Bayonne, N.J. Petro Rybchuk was the master of ceremonies at the event.

All contestants were between the ages of 4 and 14, and no musical ensemble had more than six members. There were 13 groups taking part in this contest - all from the New York/New Jersey area.

Students from St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic School in Newark, N.J. - Bohdar Tsymbala, Wolodymyr Stashchyshyn, Natalia Kudryk, Ivanka Farrell, Chrystyna Chornij and Taras Varshavsky - won first place.

St. John's School sponsors annual Christmas concerts that are very popular in the Newark community. These students performed a part of that rich program.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 28, 2001, No. 4, Vol. LXIX

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