Husar appoints press director

LVIV - Prior to his election as archbishop major, Bishop Lubomyr Husar, then apostolic administrator of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, appointed the Rev. Kenneth Nowakowski as director of the UGCC Press Office in Ukraine in advance of the visit of Pope John Paul II.

The Rev. Nowakowski has been appointed to this position in addition to his duties as president of Caritas Ukraine.

A graduate of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, the Rev. Nowakowski began working for the Church in Ukraine with his appointment as vice-chancellor of the Archeparchy of Lviv by Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky in June 1990. When Cardinal Lubachivsky returned to Ukraine in March 1991, the Rev. Nowakowski was a member of his staff; he has remained in Ukraine since that time.

In his newly expanded role, the Rev. Nowakowski will be responsible for re-establishing the Press Office of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and ensuring that timely and accurate information both about the pontiff's upcoming visit and the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Ukraine is disseminated and distributed.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 11, 2001, No. 6, Vol. LXIX

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