Turning the pages back...

February 22, 1951

In writing this week's editorial, we wondered: What was The Weekly writing 50 years ago, when the Ukrainian National Association marked its 57th anniversary? After a quick trip to the room where we keep bound copies of our newspapers, we had the answer. It was in an article headlined "Youth and UNA; UNA 57 years old" by a writer identified only as T.L. Following are excerpts from that article, which, readers will note, was written with a view toward informing not only the younger generations, but also the newly arrived immigrants.

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On George Washington's Birthday, February 22, the Ukrainian National Association was exactly 57 years old.

During the 57 years of its existence, the UNA, its thousands of members, its hundreds of branches and its official organ, Svoboda, have consistently demonstrated, by word and deed, that the organization as a whole is 100 percent American. True, the members of the fraternal benefit society are of Ukrainian extraction; but these foreign-born people and their American-born children are as wholeheartedly American as any citizen of the land. The UNA, its members and its branches, have invested millions of dollars in the United States War and Savings Bonds, and have contributed to such worthwhile organizations as the American Red Cross and various Ukrainian committees for the relief of displaced persons. Much educational material has been published and circulated to UNA members, including information on Americanization and naturalization. The Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly, based on American principles of journalism, have always reported the news completely and accurately, and have always supported American ideals. ...

Sharing in the building of America and in the enrichment of American culture is our own Ukrainian nationality group. ... The most outstanding achievement of the Ukrainian people and their American-born children is the formation, growth and development of the Ukrainian National Association, the oldest and largest Ukrainian organization in the United States. The 57-year history of the fraternal order is also a history of the Ukrainian people in America, for the organization played a leading role in their unification and development. ...

Like the people of the United States, the friends and members of the Ukrainian National Association honor and respect February 22, the birthday of George Washington, the first American President. Ukrainians and Ukrainian Americans have another reason for celebrating February 22, for it is also the birthday of the Ukrainian National Association.

Source: "Youth and UNA; UNA 57 years old" by T.L., The Ukrainian Weekly, February 26, 1951.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 18, 2001, No. 7, Vol. LXIX

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