UFU begins celebrations of its 80th jubilee year

Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

MUNICH - On January 17 the Ukrainian Free University (UFU) officially inaugurated its 80th jubilee celebrations, which are scheduled to last the entire year. The ceremonies included a commemorative liturgy in the intention of founders and deceased UFU faculty members, and a convocation with a concert. Over 200 people attended.

Among the distinguished guests were: the Rev. Isidor Patrylo OSBM, a UFU graduate from its Prague period; Consul General of Ukraine Georgii Kosykh; Consul of Poland Dr. Jerzy Glowa; German and Bavarian parliamentarians Dr. h. c. Hans-Juergen Doss, Dr. Ludwig Spaenle, Christian Knauer; City Representative Dr. Theodor Babor; Bavarian Minister Councillor Dr. Walter Roesner-Krauss; Prof. Oleksander Romanowsky, rector of the Ukrainian-American Liberal Arts Institute Wisconsin International University (USA), Ukraine and its pro-rector, Olena Nadtochij; Prof. Ulrich Schweier of the Ludwig Maximilian University; as well as representatives from the Hungarian, Czech and American communities in Munich.

Among the special guests were Prof. Thomas E. Bird of the City University of New York, an honorary doctor of the UFU, and his spouse, Mary-Lynn.

The ceremonies featured an opening address by Rector Leonid Rudnytzky, and addresses by the university deans, Roland Pietsch, who spoke on the significance of Ukrainian studies, and Reinhart Heydenreuter, who spoke on the early history of the UFU. Prof. Wolodymyr Kosyk presented Dr. Oleksandra Kysilevska-Tkach, who was awarded a medal for outstanding service to the university.

The Consul General of Ukraine in Munich, Mr. Kosykh, read a number of official greetings, among them from the president of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada. On this auspicious occasion the UFU was awarded a certificate of merit from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine signed by Prime Minister Victor Yuschenko.

Lively entertainment was provided by the Ukrainian bass-baritone Taras Kononchenko with piano accompaniment by Taras Yaschenko. The evening ended with the traditional academic hymn "Gaudeamus igitur."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 18, 2001, No. 7, Vol. LXIX

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