Young intelligentsia's open letter

The letter below, initiated by young members of the Ukrainian intelligentsia was originally released on February 16 in the aftermath of recent developments in Ukraine surrounding the Gongadze case, including demonstrations calling for the resignation of President Leonid Kuchma. The letter now appears on the Internet (, where additional signatures are being sought.

An Open Letter from the Remnants of the Young Ukrainian Intelligentsia

WE DO NOT WANT to live in a country where corrupt officials headed by the President are turning Ukraine into a police state, thus trying to preserve the current state of affairs. Where the person who calls himself "the guarantor of the Constitution" and his subordinates once again have started political repression. Where the prime minister turns out to be a political amoeba. Where the power organs, called to protect the citizens, are turning into packs of thugs. Where justice is restored by a mighty blow of a policeman's stick. Where the word "lawlessness" has become a synonym for the word "power."

WE DO NOT WANT to live in a country where once again people are afraid of telling the truth and believing in justice. Where everything is for sale: judges and politicians, principles and high offices, pride and votes, and even human thoughts. Where the mass media are turning into gutters for lies and battlefields for clans. Where teachers are forced to become informers. Where independent-minded people once again are forced to either leave the country, or go underground.

WE DO NOT WANT TO AND WILL NOT keep silent. We can see where silence and passivity have led us. In the past the worst human crimes happened because of general apathy. We always reserve the right for freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, freedom of assembly and freedom of beliefs. And if someone attempts to take them away, we reserve the right of resistance.

WE WANT AND WE WILL think, create and act freely regardless of the fact that someone might not like it.

WE WANT AND WE WILL live in a country where human rights and freedoms are not only spelled out on paper, but are also adhered to. In a country with a positive image.

To achieve this, WE DEMAND that current president Leonid Kuchma has to resign.

1. Oles Donii, political scientist, Kyiv
2. Yurii Andrukhovych, writer, Ivano-Frankivsk
3. Andrii Bondar, poet, writer, Kyiv
4. Serhii Zhadan, poet, writer, Kharkiv
5. Vasyl Kozhelianko, writer, journalist, Chernivtsi
6. Viktor Morozov, musician, Lviv
7. Taras Chubai, composer, musician, member of Plach Yeremiyi, Lviv
8. Mykhailo Barbara, musician, member of Mertvyi Piven, Lviv
9. Roman Chaika, musician, member of Mertvyi Piven, Lviv
10. Taras Korpalo, philosopher, Kyiv

The full list contained 1,404 signatures as of February 26.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 4, 2001, No. 9, Vol. LXIX

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