Ukrainian diplomats, government officials and community members pay tribute to Shevchenko

by Yaro Bihun
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

WASHINGTON - Ukrainian Americans from the greater capital area and diplomats and government officials from Ukraine gathered in front of the monument to Ukraine's foremost poet, Taras Shevchenko, here on March 10 to honor his memory and the role his poetry played in the preservation and building of the Ukrainian consciousness.

After they placed flowers at the foot of his towering statue, the pastors of the local Ukrainian churches led them in prayer. Ukraine's ambassador and community leaders eulogized Shevchenko, Ukrainian Saturday school children in embroidered shirts and blouses recited his poetry, and all joined in singing songs written to the poet's words.

The annual event was raised to a higher level this year with the participation of several senior members of the government of Ukraine who were in Washington for talks with the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and U.S. officials. Among them were First Vice Prime Minister Yurii Yekhanurov, Finance Minister Ihor Mitiukov and Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Oleksii Berezhnyi, who until a few months ago had been the Washington Embassy's chargé d'affaires.

Ambassador Kostyantyn Gryshchenko in his brief remarks underscored the need "to move forward together in building the new, independent Ukraine and in expanding its ties with the United States."

The clash between demonstrators and police that marred a similar gathering in Kyiv the previous day, while probably on the minds of many of those present, was not reflected in this gathering. One of the Washington Ukrainian studies school classes that recited a poem by Shevchenko, however, dedicated it to Heorhii Gongadze, the young Ukrainian journalist whose murder sparked the anti-government protests in Kyiv.

Students of the Washington and Baltimore Saturday Ukrainian schools recited or read Shevchenko's poetry during the program, at which Theodore Caryk, director of the Washington school, was the master of ceremonies. The opening and closing prayers were conducted by the Rev. Stefan Zencuch of St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral and the Rev. Taras Lonchyna, of the Holy Trinity Particular Ukrainian Catholic Church.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 18, 2001, No. 11, Vol. LXIX

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