CONGRESSIONAL ACTION: A resolution aimed at Kuchma

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) on March 8 introduced a resolution "Urging the president of Ukraine to support democratic ideals, the rights of free speech and free assembly for Ukrainian citizens." The resolution is co-sponsored by Reps. Maurice D. Hinchey (D-N.Y.), Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio), Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.) and Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). The measure was referred to the Committee on International Relations. The text of House Concurrent Resolution 58 follows.

Concurrent Resolution

Urging the president of Ukraine to support democratic ideals, the rights of free speech and free assembly for Ukrainian citizens.

Whereas in 1991, Ukraine became an independent, democratic country;

Whereas Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma has met with members of the United States Congress, and committed to follow the rule of law, maintain the freedom of the press and assembly, and to use restraint in the use of force;

Whereas the United States and Ukraine have established a strategic partnership, encouraging economic, political, military and social cooperation between the two nations;

Whereas the United States has given Ukraine more than $2 billion in foreign assistance;

Whereas recent political developments have given rise to concerns from Ukrainian citizens about the Ukrainian government and its possible participation in illegal acts;

Whereas an alleged example of this illegal conduct is the September 16, 2000, disappearance and murder of Heorhii Gongadze, editor of an Internet newspaper critical of the Ukrainian government;

Whereas members of the United States Congress have repeatedly offered, with representatives of friendly international organizations, to help conduct a thorough and impartial investigation of such illegal acts to help restore public confidence in the rule of law in Ukraine; and

Whereas Ukrainian citizens gathered in Kyiv to protest and exercise their rights under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of the press:

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), that Congress:

(1) expresses the hope that the Ukrainian government will resolve the investigation of the disappearance and murder of Heorhii Gongadze in a serious, transparent manner that will maintain confidence in its credibility;

(2) urges the Ukrainian government to have a genuine dialogue with the opposition; and

(3) encourages the use of constitutional, democratic means to resolve the current crises in a manner consistent with Ukraine's commitments to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), including the right to peaceful protest.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 18, 2001, No. 11, Vol. LXIX

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