UNWLA Chicago Branch 29 celebrates 40 years of service

by Irene Pyskir Oleksiuk

CHICAGO - Branch 29 of the Ukrainian National Women's League of America in Chicago celebrated 40 years of its charitable good works in the Ukrainian community with a jubilee banquet and program at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, on January 20.

The Jubilee Committee headed by Julia Kokorudz organized a fine dinner, program, jubilee book and awards, and created a friendly ambiance. Other committee members were Olexandra Diachenko Kochman, Daria Jarosewich, R. Halibej, Emilia Wyshnytzky, Katherine Iwasyszyn, Eva Zelenko-(branch president), Irene Pyskir Oleksiuk, O. Diachenko and Maria Hrynewycz

The master of ceremonies Ms. Jarosewich, read the many congratulations and gifts sent by other branches, absent members, founding member L. Jarosewich, and other community organizations. The Pisnia Trio sang several lovely songs attired in dress bearing a Trypillian design. Songstresses Natalka Masnyk, Liusia Oleksiuk and Vera Dzulynski were a welcome addition to the great event; Orysia Pokorna was the talented accompanist.

Next, Ms. Jarosewich switched roles and became part of the entertainment along with Ms. Pyskir Oleksiuk as they read their lighthearted composition about the able and talented members of Branch 29. Each one of the 47 members had a stanza written about her role in the organization; smiles abounded and there was laughter at the comic references to many members.

The original and founding members of Branch 29 present that evening were especially honored. All members are listed in the Jubilee Book compiled by Ms. Diachenko-Kochman and the anniversary committee. Photographs and memorable events can also be found here. (The book is available for purchase.) Ms. Diachenko Kochman explained the intricacies of publishing the text and choosing the materials, and gave a brief history of the branch.

Chairperson Ms. Kokorudz outlined the founding principles and work of the branch in its early stages 40 years ago. The president of the "youthful" branch, Ms. Zelenko spoke of some of the significant aspects of its charitable work in the past 10 years.

Past presidents and members who made significant contributions since the 30th anniversary were honored with framed certificates.

The young women who organized themselves in 1960 had as their goal a preschool for children of the Ukrainian community. The goal was met very successfully for 25 years. Other goals and objectives also were met, including the publications of books for children, sponsorship of scholarships, art exhibits, cultural events, and donation of funds and material goods to young victims of Chornobyl, orphanages, and the needy in Brazil, Poland and Ukraine.

All members were presented with a memorable work of art by Natalia Guchenia and her husband, Yuri Guchenia. Members were delightfully surprised with this picture of a beautiful young girl, dressed in Ukrainian costume, and an inscription reading "Jubilee 40, 29th Branch UNWLA, Chicago 1960-2000."

The president of the Chicago Regional Council, Luba Kalin (also a member of Branch 29), congratulated all and presented the branch with a certificate of honor from the UNWLA headquarters in New York. The evening came to a close with happy memories and a pleasant atmosphere.

Branch proud of contacts with local, state officials

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 18, 2001, No. 11, Vol. LXIX

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