Chicago Plast branch organizes ski weekend

CHICAGO - The Chicago Plast branch enjoyed its third annual Presidents' Day Ski Weekend on February 16-19. Although primarily designed with "novatstvo" (children age 7-11) in mind, this trip attracted a large number of "yunatstvo" (youths age 11) and family friends, as well as some guests from Ohio.

The weekend began in the sort of bitter Wisconsin Dells cold that only the old-timers in the group remembered, but the bright sun kept everyone going. Saturday evening brought the warmth of a group dinner with the much-appreciated amenity of separate children's and adults' dining rooms. Many "tall" stories were told about the day's adventures.

The next day was warmer and quickly grew hot with the tension of competition. The group had its own ski race in which 55 avid racers competed. After the race, the hot-dogging continued until the evening medal ceremonies.

Top spots went to Nastar gold medal winners Matthew Derkach, Zoe Ripecky and Olenka Stasula (all novatstvo). Overall top honors went to yunachka Maya Ripecky who ran the fastest race of all 55 competitors. Groups of both novatsvo and yunatsvo showed off their basic skiing skills to earn merit badges.

For those with the strength, there was plenty of time to continue the merriment at the pool or other hotel amusements. Over 100 participants had a chance to get together and to enjoy each other's company.

Many thanks were expressed to Areta and Yura Kuritza for all their hard work in organizing and running these extravaganzas.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 25, 2001, No. 12, Vol. LXIX

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