Kudos to Fedynsky for latest column

Dear Editor:

Kudos to Andy Fedynsky for his poignant and eloquent March 25 "Perspectives" column in which he masterfully weaves in the current destruction of non-Islamic idols in Afghanistan with Stalin's brutal assault on Ukrainian culture and history, and links it with the current situation in Ukraine.

Allow me to add a thought to his concluding sentence: "Have faith in Ukraine's recovery."

Having faith in Ukraine's recovery means more than passively waiting for profound historical processes to run their course. In conversations with Ukrainians, and Ukrainian Americans, especially in the wake of the ongoing scandal, one hears sound analyses of why things in Ukraine are the way they are, including reference to the scars left by the weight of Ukraine's historical legacy and a recognition that change will take time. My concern is that these analyses all too easily lead to the conclusion that given the "Ukrainian reality," there's not much that can be done, hence one should do nothing - a prescription, in effect, for giving up on Ukraine.

"Having faith in Ukraine's recovery" means not a passive faith, but an active one, in which a fundamental tenet is supporting those in Ukraine who are working on creating the emerging new political mentality to which Mr. Fedynsky refers in his column.

What I find heartening is that the U.S. government - despite the current political crisis - has not abandoned Ukraine and remains committed to engagement with Ukraine through diplomatic efforts that put pressure on Ukraine to encourage rule of law and respect for human rights, and through concrete assistance, including aid to civic groups, the independent media, and educational initiatives and exchange programs.

It's important that Ukrainian Americans also stay the course, encouraging our government to stay engaged and working to nurture the forces of political and economic reform and democracy in Ukraine.

Orest Deychakiwsky

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 8, 2001, No. 14, Vol. LXIX

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