"... every man shall turn from his evil way ..."

In lieu of an editorial, this week we publish "An appeal to the faithful, representatives of political parties and citizens' groups of Ukraine" issued by the leaders of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kyiv Patriarchate, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. (Translated by The Ukrainian Weekly).

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

The Great Fast has an important meaning in the life of every person and for society as a whole because it cleanses the soul, renews spiritual life and unites the people with God - the source of life and peace, truth and understanding. The Great Fast is a time when each and every person once again gains faith and life in the divine sense. During this period, as history has shown, wars and conflicts ceased. Forgiveness became the unifying factor of all faithful. It consolidated society. A spiritually renewed individual approached the radiant Resurrection of Christ with a feeling of profound responsibility for his deeds and his fate.

We, leaders of Ukrainian Churches, appeal to you at this important time in the life of every Christian and at this critical time for the existence of the Ukrainian state with deep concern for its future. It is with pain in our hearts that we receive news that conflict in our society has reached a dangerous boundary. The consternation of millions of faithful caused by recent clashes in the streets and the festering political conflict compel us to find answers to complex, vital questions.

Without assuming the functions of jurists or politicians, we know full well that, throughout human history, violence and passion on the part of authorities always originated from sin and led to new, even more brutal eruptions of violence.

God, through His prophet, calls on us: "... every man shall turn from his evil way and from the violence he has in hand" (Jona 3:8). We are certain that every person who took upon himself the task of leading others is obligated, first of all, to stem the spread of aggression and to use all efforts to restore justice, peace and well-being for the entire nation, as well as for each and every person individually.

We consider it important to underscore that the only alternative to regulating today's political climate is a negative one - that is, anarchy and chaos, which will lead to the destruction of sovereign Ukraine.

What is dangerous is that a portion of society has become used to thinking that it is possible to attain something through the use of force, by raising a hand against the symbols of the state and their bearers, and the dignity and life of our fellow citizens.

We do not have the right to allow the power of might, which is produced by destructive elements, to rule in Ukraine instead of the power of truth, the Constitution and legality, which are implemented by the authorities.

On the eve of the radiant Resurrection of Christ, placing our hopes in God, we call on you, dear brothers and sisters, to pray for dialogue, affirmation of political stability, restoration of peaceful means to resolve the existing disputes and the realization that civic peace, responsibility, prudence and tolerance are inviolable.

"... may the Lord bless His people with peace" (Psalms, 28:11).

Filaret, Patriarch of Kyiv and all Rus'-Ukraine
Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kyiv Patriarchate

Cardinal Lubomyr (Husar)
Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church

Mefodii, Metropolitan of Ternopil and Podillia
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 15, 2001, No. 15, Vol. LXIX

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