UUARC's Kyiv rep visits UNA

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - Vira Prynko, the Kyiv representative of the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, recently visited the UNA Corporate Headquarters. Ms. Prynko, who was in the United States to report to the executive committee of the UUARC which was meeting to review its work and plan future activity, was accompanied on her visit to the UNA by UNA Auditor Stefan Hawrysz, who also is executive director of the UUARC.

The purpose of Ms. Prynko's visit was to meet with UNA officers inasmuch as the Ukrainian National Association and the UUARC had collaborated on delivering aid to the families of the 81 miners killed on March 11, 2000, in a tragic accident at the Barakova coal mine near Krasnodon, Ukraine.

On September 29 of last year three organizations - the Ukrainian National Association, the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee and the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America - sent a total of $27,205 in cash to the families of the dead miners, money gathered from individual donations by Ukrainian Americans. The UNA and its members donated $9,405 through the Ukrainian National Foundation and that aid was delivered to Krasnodon by representatives of the UUARC and the UNA (in the person of The Ukrainian Weekly Editor Roman Woronowycz of our Kyiv Press Bureau.)

While visiting the UNA Corporate Headquarters, Ms. Prynko also met briefly with editors at The Ukrainian Weekly and Svoboda, the UNA's two official publications.

She expressed her deep gratitude and respect to the entire Ukrainian American community for their support of relief efforts such as those aimed at helping the deceased miners' families. Noting that she is paraphrasing Goethe, she said: "I bow my head before a profound idea; I fall on my knees before a good heart."

Young UNA'ers

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 29, 2001, No. 17, Vol. LXIX

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