Ps&Bs position on redress issue

Following are the views of the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Federation on the issue of internmentn which were first advanced a year ago during a "Government Issues" teleconference of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. The UCPBF acknowledges the initiative and commitment of UCCLA that took the lead in bringing this issue to the public's attention. This position paper was signed by UCPBF President Oksana Bashuk Hepburn.

Internment and Canada's response: UCPBF considerations

In addressing the injustice perpetrated on individuals of the Ukrainian Canadian community through internment and the confiscation of private property, and in order to set right its own record in this regard, the government of Canada might wish to consider a three-level approach to address the past wrongs.

The benefits of this approach will be a rapprochement with the Ukrainian community in Canada; a redress package that contributes to the better understanding of Canadian diversity and tolerance, and acknowledges, wherever possible, to the individuals involved or their descendents, the wrong-doings of the past.

Also, it will serve to remind the government and the rest of us that opportunities to commit injustice are not restricted to the past but are ever present and that in no way should today's political expediency perpetrate injustices for tomorrow's redress.

With such a focus in mind, the government might wish to re-examine the proposed citizenship legislation that undermines equal rights of all citizens by creating a two-tier class of Canadians - those born in Canada and those naturalized - and the denaturalization and deportation mechanism used to deal with alleged war criminals which appears to target a disproportionately high number of Eastern Europeans, thus raising fears of a premeditated witch hunt.

The internment of Ukrainians in Canada redress strategy might comprise:

In order to see its decisions carried out, the government might wish to consider creating a foundation or trust to administer the funds and oversee the implementation of such a strategy.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 29, 2001, No. 17, Vol. LXIX

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