Ukrainian Debutante Balls

California association's debutante ball raises funds for charity

by Ania Shalauta

LOS ANGELES - On the summerlike evening of February 3, the California Association to Aid Ukraine (CAAU) hosted its annual charity ball and presentation of debutantes at the Sportsmen's Lodge in Studio City, Calif.

Almost 300 Ukrainians and non-Ukrainian friends of the CAAU witnessed the presentation of nine beautiful young ladies with their escorts and parents. After the presentation of debutantes, the guests enjoyed a delicious dinner and dancing to the enchanting music of Kari Ochi from Toronto.

The black-tie event was a fitting celebration of the beginning of the 21st century. Many attendees have indicated that this event has rekindled their interest in the Ukrainian community.

Luba Poniatyszyn Keske, co-chairperson of the Ball Committee, greeted the guests; opening remarks were delivered by Col. Arkadi Mulak, U.S. Army (Ret.), chairman of the CAAU board of directors. The invocation was presented by the Rev. Yuriy Shakh, pastor of St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Notable guests included executives from MGM and Universal Studios, entertainment law firms and others from the Hollywood creative community. Members of the multi-national satellite-deploying organization Sea Launch and Bohdan Bejmuk, director of the program, were also present. Although most of the guests were from various parts of California, some came from as far away as Toronto, Edmonton, Chicago and Houston.

As guests listened to the introductions of the debutantes by Mrs. Keske, they were most impressed by their accomplishments, values and aspirations - all a tribute to their parents and the community. The CAAU extended warm congratulations to the debutantes, their escorts and their parents, and its leaders expressed hope that this event will renew the tradition of debutante presentations.

The young and the not-so-young danced the night away to the rhythmic music of Kari Ochi, whose youth and energy reverberated throughout the ballroom. Their nearly half-hour rendition of the Kolomyika matched the exuberance of many young dancers performing intricate graceful steps, whirling spins and acrobatic "prysiudy" of Ukrainian folk dances. The guests were obviously captivated with the performance as they enthusiastically kept beat by clapping their hands.

CAAU recognized the in-kind donations towards the raffle held during the ball, as well as the cash donations to its various humanitarian projects. Thanks to these contributions, and the overwhelming attendance at the charity ball, the proceeds netted approximately $6,000 for the various CAAU projects, as designated by the donors, to aid the people of Ukraine.

The CAAU also offered its sincere appreciation to the 2001 Ball Committee: Mrs. Keske and Bohdan Malaniak (co-chairpersons), Lesia Chopko, Nadine Hewko, Zoryana Keske, Christina Shymkovich and Andrea Wynnyk, who made the successful gala possible. Sincere thank-you was extended also to community members and friends.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 29, 2001, No. 17, Vol. LXIX

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