CPJ questions account of murder

NEW YORK - The Committee to Protect Journalists announced on May 16 that it is "highly skeptical" of Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Smirnov's recent statement that journalist Heorhii Gongadze's death was "a purely criminal matter."

"We challenge Smirnov to release evidence in support of this claim," said the CPJ's statement.

On May 15 Internal Affairs Minister Smirnov announced that two criminals, both subsequently killed in their turn, had murdered Mr. Gongadze. Mr. Smirnov claimed that Ukrainian officials had found the bodies of the men who allegedly killed Mr. Gongadze and apprehended the killers.

"The two perpetrators have died and there were no organizers because this action was spontaneous and sudden," Mr. Smirnov said, according to the Interfax news agency. He added that a mafia boss nicknamed Cyclops was linked to the murder. "Knowing the situation in full, I can state that the crime has been resolved and that it has no political grounds," Mr. Smirnov emphasized. "This is purely a criminal matter."

Alex Lupis, CPJ Europe and Central Asia program coordinator, said: "The Ukrainian government's explanation that Gongadze's murder was 'a purely criminal matter' is very suspicious because it conveniently absolves them of all responsibility in a case where they have been lacking in credibility and impartiality."

"We call on the authorities to make a full disclosure of their evidence so that the public can judge for themselves," he added.

For more information contact Mr. Lupis by telephone at (212) 465-1004, ext. 101, or by e-mail at [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 20, 2001, No. 20, Vol. LXIX

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