FOR THE RECORD: Address at April 22 manifestation

Below is the text of an address by a member of the Forum of Ukrainians of the Czech Republic, Kalyna Procyk, delivered on April 22.

I'd like to sincerely welcome all of you who came out here to this manifestation organized by the Forum of Ukrainians of the Czech Republic. I hope that each of you will have an opportunity to become better informed as to the present goings-on in Ukraine and to become acquainted with this organization.

First, a few words about myself. I, unlike many of you, am not a native of Ukraine. I was born in the United States and grew up there. However, my parents raised me with a profound respect and love for Ukraine and all things Ukrainian and I spent my formative years surrounded by a Ukrainian diaspora community. I, like other members of Ukrainian diaspora communities around the world, have family in Ukraine, close friends in Ukraine and am not indifferent to the present plight of Ukrainians for a fair and uncorrupt government. I speak not only for myself but for all diaspora Ukrainians when I say that I care deeply about the political situation in Ukraine. I want Ukrainians to have the opportunity to find decent jobs, to have a decent standard of living and a president that is not dominated by mafias, oligarchs and Communists. I am sure that you can sympathize with these feelings.

It is possible that you may not be aware of the full weight of the critical situation in Ukraine. Ukraine was recently listed as the second most corrupt country in the world, and this fact permeates every aspect of Ukrainian life. The corrupt regime headed by Leonid Kuchma has routinely taken public money and placed it illegally into private pockets. While pensions and wages were unpaid, and foreign investments were falling, the elite oligarchs allied with Kuchma grew wealthier and wealthier, and continue to grow wealthier and wealthier. The Kuchma regime does not allow for normal programs directed at bettering the lives of the people. On the contrary, it functions clearly as an organ for extracting the maximum amount of resources for itself.

In addition, when any attention is called to this blatant disregard for the principles of civil society by the media, action is taken to brutally suppress these ideas - the most important case being that of the disappearance and murder of Heorhii Gongadze. In the aftermath of the Gongadze case, it is obvious that the administration has no intention of keeping even the pretense of propriety. The people accused of the worst crimes are put in charge of their own investigations. Protesters are illegally detained. Students on their way to protest in Lviv are threatened and beaten. Journalists are threatened, harassed, followed. Newspaper and television station licenses are revoked for a variety of excuses.

How can you trust a government that commits crimes and purposefully and thoughtlessly lies to its citizens? Kuchma and his government expect that the people of Ukraine will remain passive and apathetic as its government plunders Ukraine's assets. It is your moral responsibility for the sake of your families and your country to prove them wrong.

At present, there is a strong anti-Kuchma opposition movement in place in Ukraine and they are organizing two opposition strategies. The first includes demonstrations and protests gathering public support for the anti-Kuchma movement. The second includes organizing a popular referendum to remove Kuchma from office.

Here in the Czech Republic, the Forum of Ukrainians upholds these actions and plans on continuing these actions by holding demonstrations in the Czech Republic and when the referendum has been formalized, collecting signatures from the 300,000 Ukrainian citizens that presently live in the Czech Republic. If it should happen that forcible methods are used to control opposition forces, a hunger strike will be initiated in Prague.

But besides the organization for the support of the opposition in Ukraine, the forum also has other projects for further action.

First, the forum has a legal registration for a newspaper titled Ukr. Ohliad, which will inform in Ukrainian of the latest events in Ukraine. At present, this newspaper is being distributed free of charge as an info gazette on Sundays outside of the Greek-Catholic and Orthodox churches in Prague. Next a concert of Ukrainian stars is being organized under the slogan "Ukrainians Unite!" to promote unity and awareness among Ukrainians in the Czech Republic.

In addition, an international non-profit organization soon will have legal status in the Czech Republic and is being organized. This organization has several important aims: to support Ukrainian culture through news television, radio, press and the Internet; to support and create institutes of higher learning, schools, kindergartens, exhibitions, concerts; to create bilateral trade and economic ties; to create a charitable fund for the Ukrainian minority in the Czech Republic which would provide not only moral support but juridical and financial support as well.

Concretely, this translates into assurance of jobs for normal legal wages and reform of the visa application and residence procedures and travel requirements without complicated and unpleasant consequences.

So, we turn to you and ask you to recognize the importance of the events of the previous months in Ukraine. It is of the utmost importance that Ukrainians stand together united in these days. Together we have the power to change the course of a corrupt and out-of-control government. Together we have the power to stop the persecution of journalists who aim to bring us the truth. Together we have the power to support a government, that will bring a better life for us and our families.

To do this, support the government of [Viktor] Yuschenko, whose reforms have brought a degree of economic growth and social reform and stability, and support us, the Forum of Ukrainians of the Czech Republic.

Most importantly remember that you are not an apathetic mass, you are not a passive minority in this country, but a force to be reckoned with. You have a historic chance to influence the existence of Ukraine. Do not hide. Ideas have the power to unite people. Choose to stand up for the ideas of fairness, democracy and ethical conduct of government leaders.

Your country's future depends on it.

We also call upon the governments of the European Union, the United States and Canada to support ties with the Yuschenko government and condemn the actions and practices of Kuchma. Tomorrow, April 23, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will vote whether to suspend Ukraine from membership in the Assembly. We strongly call upon the council not to embrace this course of action. The nation should not be punished because of the faults and misdeeds of its leaders; instead it needs the help of European countries to support Ukraine's pro-European agenda and democratic initiatives.

At this juncture, Ukraine needs strong support from these countries and so we are advocating a more flexible position from this organization. When the strong will of the people and strong ties with Europe are realized, then we will see positive results for Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Glory to Ukraine!

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 27, 2001, No. 21, Vol. LXIX

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