Turning the pages back...

May 30, 1940

Narodna Volya, the newspaper of the Ukrainian Fraternal Association (then known as the Ukrainian Workingmen's Association) reported on May 30, 1940, that The Washington Post of May 25, had published a "Postlude" on the concert of the Ukrainian chorus under the leadership of Prof. Alexander Koshetz. Following are excerpts from Ray C. B. Brown's article about the concert, sponsored by the American Ukrainian Congress Committee in the Washington Hotel Hall of Nations.

* * *

Alexander Koshetz, well remembered here as conductor of the Ukrainian National Chorus when that organization was at its prime shortly after the World War, was the guiding spirit of an enjoyable concert last evening in the Washington Hotel. The audience that filled the Hall of Nations was predominantly composed of delegates to the American Ukrainian Congress, with a large percentage of resident music-lovers. The singers whom Dr. Koshetz directed were selected members of folk choruses in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Yonkers, Newark, Jersey City, Elizabeth and Perth Amboy.

Dr. Koshetz has made a life study of the folk music of his native Ukraine and is one of its most authorized exponents. His skill in choral conducting has been manifested so conclusively as to be beyond argument, and it was demonstrated afresh on this occasion by his handling of the voices. The singers were cooperative in some admirable effects of resonance and in the finer points of shading.

It was genuine folk singing imbued with zest and the interesting program was entirely devoted to Ukrainian music. ...

Source: "More About Ukrainian Concert in Washington," Narodna Volya, May 30, 1940. (Special thanks to Honorary Member of the Ukrainian National Association General Assembly Anne Chopek for sending in this historic clipping.)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 27, 2001, No. 21, Vol. LXIX

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