FOR THE RECORD: Rep. Bonior's letter in support of a federal charter for the UAV

Following is the text of a letter sent to The Ukrainian Weekly by Rep. David E. Bonior of Michigan.

Dear Friends:

As a veteran, I have always fought for the honorable treatment of our veterans. As a friend of the Ukrainian American community, I know that tens of thousands of Ukrainian Americans have given their lives to protect our nation. I feel that it is time to honor these veterans by granting Ukrainian American Veterans a federal charter. That is why I recently introduced the Ukrainian American Veterans Charter Act.

Throughout my years in Congress, I have worked with Ukrainian American Veterans to improve benefits and the quality of life of our nation's veterans. From helping ill members pay for medical bills to providing scholarship money for continued education, the Ukrainian American Veterans have always served their community well. Receiving a federal charter would allow the Ukrainian American Veterans to better address the needs and concerns of its members.

Ukrainian Americans have fought for our democracy since the Revolutionary War, and they deserve recognition for all they have done to protect American freedoms. Those of us who have served our nation in the military know the sacrifices that veterans have made. All of our veterans deserve the utmost respect for their service to our country. Granting Ukrainian American Veterans a federal charter is the least we can do to express our gratitude. I will be working hard with the Ukrainian American community to bolster support for this legislation.

As issues of importance to the Ukrainian American community come before the Congress this year, I will be sure to keep you updated on our progress. Please feel free to contact me at any time if I can be of assistance to you.

David E. Bonior
Member of Congress

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 27, 2001, No. 21, Vol. LXIX

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