Myroslava Gongadze's message to U.S. Congress: don't cut aid

Following is the text of a letter written by Myroslava Gongadze, widow of the opposition journalist Heorhii Gongadze. It was hand-delivered on July 17 to the leadership of both the House of Representatives and the Senate and to members of Appropriations Committees and relevant subcommittees. The text was released by the Washington Office of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council.

This letter is written to express my alarm about the level of funds provided for assistance to Ukraine in the Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill. I am the widow of Georgiy Gongadze, the Ukrainian journalist whose brutal, unsolved murder has received so much international attention and which led to my seeking refuge in America. As I understand it, the House Appropriations Committee reduced the president's recommendation for aid to Ukraine by $44 million. I think this is a terrible mistake. Furthermore, the committee's proposal indirectly refers to my husband's murder to justify this reduction.

If Congress uses my husband's murder as justification to reduce U.S. aid to Ukraine, this will send absolutely the wrong message to those honorable people who are still working (and with whom I worked) so hard to build a democratic nation. Conversely, such an approach will play into the hands of the anti-reformists who seek to thwart democracy and benefit from the perpetuation of the corrupt legacy of the Soviet system.

My husband sought the development of a free and independent media, of non-governmental and local organizations to build a civil society in Ukraine - these entities are the ones that desperately need America's help. The assistance provided in your bill goes to such programs to help the very people who need and should have American money and counsel, good people who will be isolated and alone without U.S. support.

As a lawyer who worked with such groups, I know that American assistance is the lifeblood of these programs - and it is there that the seeds of democracy must be sown.

I am sure that we share very serious concerns about the direction and actions of the executive branch of Ukraine. However, please do not let these concerns keep the United States from providing the level of aid needed by those that are making a real and valuable difference, especially at the grassroots level.

Condemn the actions and inactions of the Ukrainian executive power when appropriate, demand open and honest investigations, seek the truth about my husband's murder and cut off funding or restrict it if you deem necessary, but please - do not reduce the aid to Ukraine that is so important in the building of a normal, democratic society.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my concerns.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 22, 2001, No. 29, Vol. LXIX

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