The Ukrainian Museum holds annual meeting, reports progress on building project

by Marta Baczynsky

NEW YORK - Olha Hnateyko, president of the board of trustees of The Ukrainian Museum, gave an upbeat, positive report on the status of the museum's new building project.

Speaking during the museum's annual meeting on June 3, Mrs. Hnateyko said: "We are very close to achieving our goal. Our attorney is reviewing the contract with the builder and as soon as all the details are ironed out we will sign it."

Her report was well received by the audience of more than 100 people present at the event, which provides a forum for the review of the museum's financial status, as well as an accounting of its activities in the past year. The meeting offers a platform for museum members and friends to voice their concerns on various matters pertinent to the institution and the opportunity for members to vote on issues, as well as for proposed candidates to the board of trustees. This year's meeting was chaired by John Luchechko and recorded by Katria Czerwoniak.

The subject of the new building has been of interest to the museum community for many years. Held in abeyance for a time due to lack of funds, the project was restructured in the early part of 2000 with the idea of building a more modest museum facility, thereby scaling down the cost of construction. In December 2000, however, the project was brought back to its original architectural concept and fully revitalized upon the receipt of a major gift of $2.5 million and a $1 million Challenge Grant from Eugene and Daymel Shklar, a California entrepreneur and his wife.

In her address during the meeting, Mrs. Hnateyko spoke about the events that led to the presentation of this magnanimous gift. She said that for a period of time the donors closely examined the structure, workings and essence of the Ukrainian Museum, in effect giving all aspects of the institution serious thought and consideration. She said she believes the donors have found the museum worthy of their help because of its long record of meritorious work, its accountability and the potential to be continually beneficial to both the Ukrainian community and the general public.

The board president said that precisely because of the museum's long-standing respected reputation, another donor, Self Reliance New York Federal Credit Union, chose to give the institution a gift of $500,000 to the Building Fund. This gift was presented to the museum during the 50th anniversary celebration of Self Reliance New York this spring.

To the donors of these extraordinary gifts, Mrs. Hnateyko expressed the deep gratitude and appreciation of the board, administration, staff and entire museum family. She also thanked all museum members and friends, for their constant and most generous support over the last 25 years. Their care sustained the institution on a daily basis, and because of this the museum was able to grow and develop, she noted. Mrs. Hnateyko particularly emphasized the tremendous financial and moral help received from the regional councils and branches of the Ukrainian National Women's League of America, the museum's founding organization.

Mrs. Hnateyko also brought up the future financial security of the museum. "When we build the new facility we also have to make sure that there will be funds available to maintain the building and cover the operational costs of the institution year after year," she said, explaining that, precisely because of these financial requirements, an Endowment Fund with a goal of $10 million will be opened at the museum.

The board president spoke about the involvement of young people in the museum in the past year, citing two events organized by groups of young individuals: one a lecture at the museum in conjunction with an exhibition, the other a fund raiser for the new building project. She pointed out how important it is for young people in the Ukrainian American community to take an active part in the life of the Museum, because eventually it will pass into their stewardship and that of their progeny.

In her report to the assembly, Maria Shust, director of museum, spoke about the work of the museum, specifically about those aspects which constitute the day-to-day responsibilities: conservation, care of collections, exhibition planning and maintenance, education and research. She also detailed the large network of activities - educational programs, community events, and fund raisers - which are part of the museum's agenda.

She described the past year and a half in the life of the museum as "historic," referring to the large donations and the Challenge Grant, as well as the fact that the year 2001 marks the museum's 25th anniversary.

Ms. Shust gave a comprehensive report on the state of the institution by enumerating many of these activities. She described new acquisitions to the fine arts collection, among them numerous watercolors and drawings by artist Mykola Krychevsky, and individual works by such artists as Alexander Archipenko, Alexis Gritchenko (Oleksa Hryshchenko), Liuboslav Hutsaliuk and Jacques Hnizdovsky.

Many excellent examples of Ukrainian embroidery, including parts of folk costumes and rushnyky (ritual cloths) from the central regions of Ukraine were added to the folk art collection. In addition to many photographs, slides and documents, the archives were enriched by documents of historical value, namely the archive of the Philadelphia Branch of the Brotherhood of Veterans of the 1st Division of the Ukrainian National Army.

The director spoke about the museum's exhibition program, citing several memorable exhibits in the year 2000 and during the first half of 2001, among them: "The creative legacy of Vasyl Hryhorovych Krychevsky," "Pysanka, Safeguarding an Ancient Tradition," "Exhibition of Works of Halyna Mazepa" and "Three Generations of Cholodny Artists."

In conclusion Ms. Shust thanked Mr. and Mrs. Shklar, as well as Self Reliance New York, for their most generous donations, for having faith in the museum's mission and trusting in the ability of its leadership and staff to carry it through. She thanked all museum members and friends, volunteers and staff for their hard work and dedication.

Every year the museum publishes an annual report, which is distributed to the members attending the annual meeting and later sent to all members as part of the privileges of their membership. The annual report details the work and activities that took place in the institution during that year. The text is supplemented with photographs, thereby creating an important factual record for the historical annals of the museum. Provided also is a roster of current members and a financial section, which lists donors and the amounts of their donations, as well as financial statements.

Among those present at the annual meeting was Iryna Kurowyckyj, president of Ukrainian National Women's League of America Inc. She reaffirmed the UNWLA's commitment to continue the generous support its members provide to the institution and said she looks forward to the start of the construction of the new building in a very short time.

The state of the museum's finances was presented by Dr. Yar Mociuk, treasurer on the board of trustees, who urged all to review the financial accounts in the annual report. Wasyl Sosiak affirmed the veracity, accuracy and competence of the museum's financial accounting, based on the review of the books by the Audit Committee.

During the annual meeting five individuals were elected to fill vacant slots on the board of trustees by those present and eligible to vote. The board, which is the governing body of the museum, comprises of 25 people, each elected to a three-year terms on a staggered basis.

The new roster of the board of trustees of The Ukrainian museum follows:

The Executive Board members are: Mrs. Hnateyko, president; Mrs. Kurowyckyj, Tatiana Tershakovec and Maria Tomorug, vice-presidents; Dr. Mociuk, treasurer; Katria Czerwoniak and Orysia Woloszyn, secretaries; Orest Glut, Andrey Hankevych and Roman Hawrylak, members-at-large.

Board members are: Anna Alyskewycz, Ulana Baczynskyj, Sophia Hewryk, Ulana Kobzar, Lidia Krushelnytsky, Andrew Lencyk, Zenon Masnyj, Rostislav Milanytch, Maria Pazuniak, Maria Polanskyj, Roma Shuhan, Olga Stawnychy, Marta Skorupsky, Oksana Trytyak and Ireneus Yurchuk.

Members of the Audit Committee are: Mr. Sosiak, chair; Nadia Cwiach, Ihor Hayda, Yaroslawa Luchechko and Wolodymyr Magun, members

For information about The Ukrainian Museum and its agenda or the building project call (212) 228-0110; fax: (212) 228-1947; e-mail [email protected]; or log on to

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 22, 2001, No. 29, Vol. LXIX

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