Detroit-based bandurists to represent U.S. at Ukraine's 10th anniversary celebrations

DETROIT - The Detroit-based Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus will leave for Kyiv on August 15 to participate in the official ceremonies commemorating the 10th anniversary of Ukraine's declaration of independence (August 24, 1991).

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America and the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council have designated the chorus as the cultural group officially representing the United States.

On the eve of the proclamation of independence, in June of 1991, the chorus completed a historical 14-city tour of major cities in Ukraine. The performances were received with great enthusiasm and rave reviews - especially in areas of Ukraine where national consciousness had been dormant. The chorus subsequently received the Shevchenko State Prize, Ukraine's highest cultural award. The chorus returned to Ukraine in 1994, touring regions of southern Ukraine and Crimea.

The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus was formed in Kyiv in 1918. It survived both Soviet and Nazi occupations, and since 1949 has enjoyed the freedom of artistic expression in the United States. The male chorus is based in Detroit, but has members throughout North America, in Alberta, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Ontario and Pennsylvania. The chorus has preserved and promoted the art of the bandura by amassing an extensive discography and by touring North America, Europe, Australia and Ukraine.

For more information contact Anatoli W. Murha, president of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, at (734) 953-0305 or [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 5, 2001, No. 31, Vol. LXIX

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