We should be armed with factual information

Dear Editor:

Dr. Bohdan Vitvitsky's essay "Are Ukrainians really that hard to count ..." (July 15) provides an excellent analysis of the religious situation and the status of Christian Churches in Ukraine. I hope he has communicated these facts to the media he has cited to alert them about the shortcomings of their reporters and editors.

At the same time, I wonder how many American Ukrainians (as well as Ukrainians in other Western countries) have taken the trouble to write to their local and national newspapers, as well as to radio and television stations to clarify the issues and to recommend/demand thoughtful, truthful, factual reporting? If we fail to do so, are we not to share in their guilt?

Yes, we seem to be so quick to blame others for our misfortunes and calamities, yet so reluctant to engage in meaningful, sincere, factual dialogue; so filled with Ukrainian patriotism in our midst - yet so reserved and quiet in the presence of others.

In fact, I wonder how many American Ukrainians know the facts cited by Dr. Vitvitsky? Should we - individually and collectively - not be ready to provide authoritative references that contain verifiably correct, true information about Ukraine?

Dr. Z. Lew Melnyk
Cincinnati, Ohio

An outstanding issue covering a great event

Dear Editor:

I commend you for your outstanding issue of July 8. You outdid many of the secular and religious newspapers in reporting on the visit of Pope John Paul II to Ukraine. The issue should be retained by many for historical purposes.

Pope John Paul II did a great deed to help Jesus in His prayer to Our Father for unity among His followers, even to the advantage of the Orthodox as seen by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. The Russian Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow missed a golden opportunity to follow Christ all the way.

Joseph Jackson
New Providence, N.J.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 5, 2001, No. 31, Vol. LXIX

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