Greetings of Kostyantyn Gryshchenko, Ukraine's ambassador to the United States

Greetings of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America Kostyantyn Gryshchenko to the Ukrainian community on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine.

Dear Friends, Dear Ukrainian Americans!

Congratulations on the first jubilee of Ukrainian statehood!

Throughout the centuries, Ukrainians cherished hopes that a day would come when their land would be free and when their nation would be able to decide its own destiny. Many generations of Ukrainian patriots devoted their lives to make those aspirations a reality. On August 24, 1991, the long-cherished dream came true, and today we celebrate the first 10th anniversary of our young independent nation.

Now, as Ukrainians in Ukraine and around the world commemorate the first decade of independence, is a good occasion to glance back and to evaluate the road that our nation has traveled.

It would be no exaggeration to say that this brief period of time, which in historic terms amounts to a mere instant, included achievements and events that shaped the destiny of the nation. Ukraine has been recognized by the international community; practically from scratch basic governmental institutions and military forces have been created; a national currency has been introduced; and the foundations of a democratic society have been laid.

The sensible, balanced and pragmatic foreign policy pursued by the young Ukrainian state has earned our country worldwide respect. Ukraine continues to strengthen itself in the international arena by prioritizing its integration into Europe.

The radical transformation of all spheres of political, economic and cultural life has never been an easy task, but the resolve of the Ukrainian leadership in introducing market reforms has been rewarded. Ukraine celebrates Independence Day with significant achievements - for the first time in its independent history, Ukraine has managed to stop the chronic decline in production and has achieved growth of economic indicators in all industries. These positive economic trends pave the way to prosperity and well-being for the Ukrainian nation. The forecasts of domestic and foreign analysts regarding the future prospects of economic development in Ukraine give ample grounds for optimism.

The priorities of Ukraine's domestic policies are clearly defined as ensuring a continuation of the economic growth achieved last year, consolidation of civil society, strengthening of democracy and supremacy of law.

All of us - those who represent Ukraine in the U.S.A. - are happy to celebrate the 10th anniversary of independence together with the Ukrainian diaspora - true patriots who persistently demonstrate their devotion to Ukraine, people who do their best to strengthen its independence and to deepen the strategic partnership with the United States.

Let there be happiness, health and prosperity in every Ukrainian home. May you never lose your confidence in the ability of the Ukrainian nation to achieve its goals and to join the family of European nations, where it belongs.

Glory to Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 19, 2001, No. 33, Vol. LXIX

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