Statements on independence anniversary

Ukrainian National Association

Ten years ago, from among the ruins of the Soviet Union, a new country appeared on the map of Europe: Ukraine. Although the world was surprised by the unexpected establishment of a new country, the Ukrainian parliament's Act of Declaration of the Independence of Ukraine confirmed the culmination of a "thousand-year tradition of state building in Ukraine." With this Act the struggle by countless people over many centuries for the independence of the Ukrainian state, for the distinctiveness of the Ukrainian nation, for her history, culture and numerous achievements was complete. The Ukrainian diaspora rejoiced that its continuous efforts to inform the Western countries of the world about the striving and the struggle of the Ukrainian nation for liberty and independence were crowned with success. Victorious as well was the historic and moral truth that every nation has the right to live freely and determine its own destiny.

Although 10 years is not a long period of time in the history of a young nation, especially one that inherited the burden of the consequences from the explosion at the Chornobyl nuclear power station, an almost million-man army, an administrative-command ecomomy focused on military production, it was, nonetheless, a time of enormous energy and challenges.

The 10th anniversary of the renewal of Ukraine's independence brings with it satisfaction at the impressive achievements in diplomacy. More than 100 countries have recognized Ukraine, which has established sound mutual relations with leading international organizations, such as the European Union, NATO, the United Nations. Ukraine plays a vital role among the nations of Eastern Europe.

As they celebrate this anniversary of Ukraine's independence, the people of Ukraine yearn for better success and quicker results from the transitions underway in their economy. They hope that prosperity will envelop all segments of society, and that the next generation, the hope of each nation, will be proud of its ancestry, will be ready to work for and come to the defense of Ukraine. In their patience and perserverance, the people of Ukraine chose a path of national renewal and the creation of a better for future generations to come.

The Ukrainian National Association, the oldest and the largest Ukrainian organization beyond the borders of Ukraine, greets all of its members with this joyous anniversary and invites all members to participate in local events commemorating the 10th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. It calls upon its member not to be discouraged by Ukraine's failings, rather, instead, continue to help where our help is wanted and needed in order to improve the lives of all of Ukraine's citizens.

The Ukrainian National Association greets the people of Ukraine with this important anniversary, and wishes them peace, prosperity and continued success in building a democratic and just state.

The Ukrainian National Association greets the hierarchs of all of the Ukrainian Churches, the President of Ukraine, the Government of Ukraine, headed by the Prime Minister, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, as well as all those who work for the good of their nation and their country.

Ulana Diachuk, president
Marta Lysko, national secretary
Stepan Kacharaj, treasurer

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 19, 2001, No. 33, Vol. LXIX

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