Statements on independence anniversary

Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church

August 24 marks the 10th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine. It is a very significant occasion for all Ukrainians in Ukraine and those living throughout the world. How will we mark such a significant occasion? My prayer and my hope are that this 10th anniversary of Ukraine's independence will be characterized with much gratitude, celebration and reflection for action.

Gratitude should be foremost in any anniversary celebration. Expression of our gratitude is something we do by choice. We choose to be grateful people. My prayer and hope is that our hearts and minds will be filled with gratitude to God for His profound blessings on Ukraine and its people. Let us resolve to be grateful people. Let us gather together in our churches, in our cultural institutions and within our homes to actively express our gratitude in prayer. Prayer, when offered in the spirit of gratitude and brotherhood, unites us with our Heavenly Father who provides for our needs and unites us with one another as His family. It is when we Ukrainians fully learn to pray together as one united family, together expressing gratitude to God, that our aspirations as a nation and a people can be realized by God Himself.

Grateful hearts lead themselves easily to celebration. Ukrainians everywhere should actively celebrate this 10th anniversary of Ukrainian independence, thus proclaiming the value and dignity of freedom for all people. We remember that Jesus often performed many of His miracles at large gathering. Jesus' first miracle at Cana was performed at a wedding feast. Our Lord desires that our heart be joyful and that we celebrate the gift of life and freedom found in Jesus Christ, our savior.

Grateful hearts and celebration lead to reflection upon our identity and our destiny as Ukrainians. We must recall the events of our history, both more recent and in the past, and reflect and learn from them. However, we cannot elect to only stand and look back. Our reflections upon the past call us to look ahead, to express our hopes and aspirations for the future. During times of oppression Ukrainians in the free world focused their attention on the need for freedom in Ukraine. We were "their" voice! Now that Ukraine is independent, what is and should be the focus of Ukrainians here in America? Perhaps we need to focus on strengthening our voice and our community.

The recent visit to Ukraine by our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, raised the world community's awareness of Ukraine in a more profoundly positive way. Ukraine's rich culture, beautiful cities and countryside, as well as the warm hospitality and strong faith of Ukrainians, were evident to the whole world via the media. Prior to this visit, the world primarily associated Ukraine with the horrific nuclear accident at Chornobyl. The Holy Father's visit helped to open the eyes of the world and even our own eyes to the importance and potential of Ukraine in the world community. The exceptional coverage of Pope John Paul II's visit to Ukraine on the television network EWTN significantly raised awareness of Ukraine and our Ukrainian Catholic Faith to all Americans. What a tremendous blessing God provided through His Church!

Our challenge is to build on this awareness and appreciation of Ukraine and our Ukrainian heritage. Let each of us resolve to live our lives being grateful people. In gratitude to God let us celebrate the gift of our Ukrainian heritage with much pride and hope. Let us courageously live our faith and heritage, doing all we can to build our communities of faith, our parishes.

A blessed and happy anniversary to our beloved Ukraine and to all Ukrainians! May God grant us the wisdom and willingness to be grateful, to celebrate and to respond to the challenges of the future. Mnohaya Lita!

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 26, 2001, No. 34, Vol. LXIX

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