Radoslav Zuk receives award for outstanding teaching at McGill

MONTREAL - Radoslav Zuk, architect and professor at the School of Architecture of McGill University, was presented with the Ida and Samuel Fromson Award for Outstanding Teaching by the faculty of engineering at the university's spring convocation on June 7.

In introducing the recipient of the award, which was established in 1999, Prof. John E. Gruzleski, dean of the faculty of engineering, noted the following, excerpted from student comments: "...Teaching architecture is a task that requires broad-based knowledge of the arts and sciences as well as engineering. Prof. Zuk has mastered these very demanding and varied requirements.

"His teaching is driven by passion and devotion. The effort that he gives to each and every student is sincere and comprehensive. Prof. Zuk gets excited about what he teaches and passes this excitement, which is contagious, to his students. His fairness and respect are outstanding. And very importantly, his light-hearted nature always helps keep his students interested and motivated."

Born in western Ukraine, Prof. Zuk earned degrees in architecture from McGill University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Ukrainian Academy of Art in Kyiv (1993) and is an honorary professor of the Kyiv Technical University of Building and Architecture.

A fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and of the Royal Society of Arts, he is a co-recipient of the Governor General's Medal for Architecture.

Prof. Zuk is best known for his design of Ukrainian churches in North America, which have gained him international recognition. Among his recent projects was the design of the Nativity of the Theotokos Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Lviv's Sykhiv district, site of a meeting of Pope John Paul II with the youth of Ukraine, which took place on June 26 as part of the holy father's historic five-day visit to Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 16, 2001, No. 37, Vol. LXIX

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