Plast sea scouting groups hold biennial assembly

NORTH COLLINS, N.Y. - Seen above are participants of the biennial assembly of Chornomorski Plast scouting groups - the Chornomortsi fraternity and the Chornomorski Khvyli sorority - held at the Novyi Sokil Plast campground in North Collins, N.Y., on July 23-24. Present are members of the fraternity's 10th unit of senior scouts and 25th unit of adult scouts, and the sorority's 16th unit of adult scouts and 40th unit of senior scouts. The members of these scouting groups strive to provide knowledge of maritime activities and seek to promote sea scouting throughout the Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization. Since Ukraine's independence, the group has also experienced a rebirth of activism and support in Ukraine with now well over 25 new members taking part in educating Ukrainian youth in all aspects of sea scouting and water sports. The gathering at Novyi Sokil brought together approximately 65 Plast members, who discussed the future activities of their respective units, the success of past efforts and how to build on those successes for future endeavors, work with members in Ukraine and Australia, and cooperation between the Chornomorski Khvyli sorority and Chornomortsi fraternity.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 16, 2001, No. 37, Vol. LXIX

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