UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY: Celebrations throughout North America

Rockland County

by Vasyl Luchkiw

NEW CITY, N.Y. - Ukrainians of Rockland County, joined by the village, county, state and federal officials, commemorated the 10th anniversary of independent Ukraine.

The festivities began on Sunday, September 26, at Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church in Spring Valley, N.Y., where the Rev. Ivan Tykhovych celebrated liturgy for the Ukrainian people followed by panakhyda services for all who gave their lives fighting for Ukraine's independence.

After the liturgy, one of the largest gatherings of Ukrainians in Rockland County assembled on the grounds of the county office complex. Present were representatives of all waves of Ukrainian immigration, as well as a very good representation of other ethnic groups of the county. Vasyl Szozda, commander of Ukrainian American Veterans in Rockland County, raised the Ukrainian national flag while the assembled sang the Ukrainian national anthem.

The master of ceremonies, Dr. Vasyl Luchkiw, was also the keynote speaker. He reminded those assembled about U.S. House of Representatives Resolution 222 and stated that passing resolutions is not going to help Ukraine. Ukraine needs immediate help and not another resolution, he said, explaining that the Ukrainian people are tired of resolutions and almost totally disenchanted with the Western "resolutions." It seems that the government of Ukraine by and large does not care much about the country's future and the "neighbor to the north" is just waiting for an opportunity to again colonize the country, he added.

Next to speak was Rep. Benjamin Gilman, who assured everyone that the United States will implement H.R. 222 by providing funds to help Ukraine out of its crises. The assembled rewarded Rep. Gilman with long applauds.

State Sen. Thomas Morahan, reminded the gathering that 10 years is a rather short time in history. However, the fact that Ukraine survived for a decade shows how serious Ukrainians are about their independence. He said he sees this as a positive sign and as a prediction of a bright future for Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Similar thoughts were expressed by the County Legislator Dr. V.J. Pradham, who said he sees a similarity in the fight for freedom of his nation, the people of India, and of Ukrainians.

Theodore Dusanenko, charter member of the County Legislative, dwelled upon the meaning of Ukraine's independence to the third generation of American Ukrainians. He related how his parents, born in the United States, eagerly awaited the glorious day when Ukraine would renew its independence and how, shortly thereafter, both of them departed this world as if to say, "our work is finished here and it's time to move on."

At the end of the ceremonies Dr. Luchkiw thanked everyone, especially the Ukrainian community's guests, for helping commemorate this first truly Ukrainian jubilee. He separately thanked Rep. Gilman and the officers and members of the Ukrainian American Veterans of Rockland County for sponsoring these festivities.

The celebration was closed with a prayer.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 23, 2001, No. 38, Vol. LXIX

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