UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY: Celebrations throughout North America

Arnold, Pa.

ARNOLD, Pa. - The parishioners of both St. Vladimir Ukrainian Catholic Church and Holy Virgin Ukrainian Orthodox Church marked the 10th anniversary of the freedom of Ukraine in a joint moleben and reception on Saturday, August 25. This marked the first time in 76 years that the two parishes, only one block apart, prayed together.

The Rev. Canon Dr. John A. Ropke, pastor of St. Vladimir Church and the Rev. Joshua Anna, pastor of Holy Virgin Church, worked to bring their two parishes together for this event. After 75 years of no contact between the two parishes, the Rev. Ropke was invited last year to attend the Orthodox parish's 75th anniversary, which he did. Last Christmas the Rev. Ropke then invited the Rev. Anna and his parishioners to attend a Christmas program at his church, which they did.

On August 25, the Rev. Ropke and his parishioners walked in procession from St. Vladimir Church to Holy Virgin Church at 7 p.m. for the joint service. The Rev. Ropke was greeted at the door of the Orthodox Church with traditional bread, salt and oil. The pastors then entered the church along with their council members and members of their parishes. During the service the pastors and their parishioners prayed together in the Orthodox church.

After the service the parishioners of both parishes processed together to St. Vladimir Hall for a joint reception.

During the reception, the Revs. Ropke and Anna talked about the past years of separation and mistrust and agreed: "That was then, this is now." The Rev. Ropke, pastor of St. Vladimir's Catholic Church for the past five years, and the Rev. Anna, pastor of Holy Virgin Orthodox Church for the past year, said they look forward to many more years of cooperation in the spirit of Christian love.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 23, 2001, No. 38, Vol. LXIX

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