Weekly bids fond farewell to layout artist Polishchuk

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - The Ukrainian Weekly's layout artist, Serge Polishchuk, has left the newspaper's staff after nine years of service. On his final day at The Weekly, August 31, Mr. Polishchuk's colleagues at The Weekly bid him farewell at a luncheon.

"Sid" (the origin of that nickname, one of many for Serhiy, is a mispronunciation/misunderstanding of his given name), joined The Weekly staff as a paste-up person in late 1992 after he began working in the Svoboda print shop that June. With The Weekly's transition to computerized production in early 1993, Mr. Polishchuk, who studied computer science, assumed the duties of layout artist and computer troubleshooter.

Mr. Polishchuk designed The Ukrainian Weekly's new flag (a paper's distinctive nameplate), which was unveiled for the paper's 60th anniversary in 1993. Beginning in 1997 he set up the paper's archives on the Internet, thus initiating the website that was officially unveiled as The Ukrainian Weekly Archive in April 1998. He maintained the site with the help of The Weekly's typesetter/production staffer Awilda Rolon and members of the editorial staff.

Mr. Polishchuk will continue to serve as The Weekly's webmaster and will work with the newspaper's staff on special projects, including books.

In his new position Mr. Polishchuk has joined the family business, Pallada International, a Ukrainian immigration center located in the Ukrainian Village of New York City.

UNA invites artists to participate in 2001 Christmas card project

by Oksana Trytjak
UNA Special Projects Coordinator

Ukrainian artists are once again being encouraged and invited to participate in the UNA's Christmas Card Project. All proceeds from the sale of these cards are earmarked for Soyuzivka, the UNA's 400-acre resort. We are accepting works for reproduction that have a traditional Ukrainian Christmas theme.

In printing these Christmas cards the Ukrainian National Association is promoting and popularizing Ukrainian artists. In the last few years the UNA has reproduced works of artists from the United States, Canada and Ukraine, including Bohdan Borzemsky, Mykhailo Dmytrenko, Maria Harasowska-Daczyszyn, Tetianna Gajecky, Jacques Hnizdovsky, Petro Holovaty, Oleksander Kaniuka, Yurij Kozak, Yarema Kozak, Danylo Koshtura, Zenowia Kulynych, Vitaliy Lytvyn, Andrij Madaj, Luba Maksymchuk, Roman Markovych, Marta Anna, Natalka, Lidia Palij, Lidia Piasecky, Orest Poliszczuk, Myron Ryzhula, Martha Savchak, Christine Saj, Jaroslav Stadnyk, Olena Stasiuk, Irene Tverdochlib, Halyna Tytla, Yurij Trytjak and Yurij Viktiuk.

This year once again the UNA will publish approximately 120,000 cards that will be distributed throughout the United States, Canada and Ukraine. We wish to popularize the traditional Ukrainian Christmas theme and encourage Ukrainian artists to submit various traditional motifs, be they modern, religious or primitive interpretations. Diverse genres - oil, watercolor, tempera, graphics, woodcuts, ceramic tile, mixed media, etc. - are acceptable as they will add variety and interest to the collection.

Artists may submit their work as soon as possible by forwarding a slide, photo or original work that can be reproduced and printed to: UNA, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; Att'n Oskana Trytjak Project Director.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 30, 2001, No. 39, Vol. LXIX

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