UNWLA's letter to President Bush

Below is the text of a letter sent on September 20 by the Ukrainian National Women's League of America to President George W. Bush. A similar letter went out to New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

Dear Mr. President:

On September 11, 2001, America watched in horror as terrorists attacked the Pentagon and destroyed the World Trade Center. The images that we viewed on television, the headlines in the newspapers and the grim reports of the toll in human lives united all of us in suffering. The emotional agony of watching a world suddenly turned dark with evil was so oppressive that hope itself lay bruised and crushed beneath the rubble.

In the days to come, we were to see that hope revived and resurrected. We saw it in the gallantry of the firefighters and police officers who risked their own lives to save others. We saw it in the faces of the volunteers who dug with spoons and even bare hands in an effort to save even one human life. We saw it in the lines of those who waited to give blood. We saw it in the flag that was so defiantly raised on the site of carnage and tragedy.

In the hours and days that followed, we heard the stories of the brave citizens of this country who died so that others might live, valiantly sacrificing themselves as they denied the terrorists the satisfaction of additional targets and additional loss of American lives. We heard, as well, the voices of America raised in song and in prayer, and we were comforted.

On September 20, Mr. President, we listened as you addressed a nation sorely stricken, but still proud and determined. We listened as you spoke of justice, not vengeance. We listened as you called upon Americans to make war upon terrorists, not upon other Americans. We listened as you called upon the nations of the world to stand on the side of good, not evil.

On behalf of the Ukrainian National Women's League of America, I thank you for these words for they confirm for all of us that this magnificent country and all it stands for will not be crushed by heinous and cowardly terrorism.

May God guide you in the difficult choices you will be making as our president.

God bless America.

Very truly yours,
Iryna Kurowyckyj, President
Ukrainian National Womenis League of America

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 30, 2001, No. 39, Vol. LXIX

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