Rep. Bob Schaffer extends anniversary greetings to The Weekly

The letter below was received at the editorial offices of The Ukrainian Weekly on October 3.

To my friends at The Ukrainian Weekly:

Congratulations on 68 years of first-rate journalism and service to the Ukrainian community. October 6 is a landmark anniversary and perhaps the clearest confirmation of your professionalism and devotion to excellence. Your growing readership reflects the confidence placed in you by Ukrainians worldwide.

As an American of Ukrainian descent, I know I speak for many in conveying my deepest appreciation for your success in enhancing the knowledge of our Ukrainian cultural heritage. I am most proud of the leadership provided by The Ukrainian Weekly, its publishers, contributors, and most of all, its dedicated staff. Many of us in the U.S. Congress rely on your timely reporting and thoughtful opinions as we consider important domestic and foreign policy decisions.

Please count me among your many friends and admirers in saying "Bravo!" Please keep up the good work, and may God's richest blessings continue to be with you for many years to come.

Very truly yours,

Bob Schaffer
Member of Congress from Colorado
Co-Chair of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 7, 2001, No. 40, Vol. LXIX

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