A voice in support of Bret Schundler

Dear Editor:

How will New Jersey Ukrainians vote on November 6 in this very important governor's race? I'm sure that the great majority of our voters have carefully evaluated each candidate's position and are prepared to cast their ballots accordingly.

This past year I decided to get more involved in the grassroots campaigning and have aligned myself with the best future governor for our fine state. Bret Schundler is by far the superior candidate.

What truly impressed me about Mr. Schundler in the early stages of this campaign was his courage and ability to stand up to big government and special interest groups. His innovative ideas really make sense and are something that each of us can relate to. I have the confidence that they will work once properly implemented.

Mr. Schundler has the proven track record, the practical plan and the dynamic vision to protect and develop New Jersey. He held the line on property taxes in Jersey City and turned the city around from a corrupt and depressed city to a major thriving center that attracted jobs, businesses and families.

Mr. Schundler believes that government can work more efficiently and that you don't need to raise taxes to improve the efficiency of government. He also strongly believes that tax relief is necessary, especially for seniors and veterans - groups of our society that are often overlooked.

Mr. Schundler's position on education reform is truly courageous. Yes, he is willing to try new approaches, e.g., charter schools. He would increase standards and accountability, and decrease state over-regulation and bureaucracy. I have not heard too many success stories recently in our "Abbott" school districts in Newark, Patterson, Passaic, Garfield, Camden and others with our existing funding programs. More financial aid to these districts will not ensure higher test scores. Innovative changes and leadership are desperately needed. I am convinced Mr. Schundler will lead the way.

In 1997 Mr. Schundler was re-elected mayor of Jersey City with 69 percent of the vote. This was the largest margin of victory for any mayor in Jersey City history. He was the longest serving mayor in 50 years and the first Republican to be elected mayor in Jersey City since World War I.

Furthermore, the margin of victory was remarkable in a city that only has 6 percent Republicans. Mr. Schundler was able to reach across party, racial and ethnic lines because the people trusted him. His programs were effective, and he proved to be courageous and innovative with exemplary leadership skills.

I am confident that once we elect Mr. Schundler as our next governor we will be proud that we made the right choice.

P.S.: Please do me a personal favor and call five of your friends and remind them to vote on Tuesday, November 6.

Stefan Tatarenko
Clifton, N.J.

The letter-writer is a city councilman in Clifton, N.J.

A voice in support of Jim McGreevey

Dear Editor:

I am forwarding you this letter as a Republican committeeman and member of the Governor's Ethnic Advisory Commis-sion. Recently, I met with Democrat Jim McGreevey and talked about issues that are of concern to all New Jersey residents.

Of significant importance is the endorsement of Mr. McGreevey for governor of New Jersey by the Hudson County Republican Party, which is Mr. Schundler's home county, as the "best candidate for the people of New Jersey." Working with Jersey City's government every day, I see first-hand the stark differences in Jersey City. It is a tale of two cities - the glimmering waterfront and the bankrupt city behind it.

A recent State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs report indicated that Mr. Schundler's creative accounting practices have left Jersey City with a $54 million deficit. One must wonder why, if Mr. Schundler was such a good mayor (only in his mind) did the state take over Jersey City's finances, and why did Mr. Schundler himself declare it a distressed city. Just imagine what he can do to New Jersey if given the opportunity.

Mr. Schundler always talks about his programs in Jersey City and how he cleaned up City Hall. His programs received media publicity and were implemented in the short term, but ultimately failed and were abandoned.

The bottom line is that Mr. Schundler is not right for New Jersey. He talks about how he wants to remove highway tolls, but he fails to show how he will make up the lost revenue. His plans will only amount to higher taxes.

Another reason not to support Mr. Schundler is that he rejects the right of a woman to choose. Mr. McGeevey is pro-choice. His beliefs, as well as mine, acknowledge women as being able to decide for themselves exactly what their options are. Clearly, Mr. Schundler's views are out of the mainstream. How can Mr. Schundler represent New Jersey if he doesn't share the same values as the general population?

On the other hand, Mr. McGreevey's platform is unique in that its reflects in many ways the core beliefs of the Ukrainian American community and of mainstream New Jerseyans. I think that, as a whole, Ukrainian Americans recognize the importance of integrity and character, and have faith in the fact that Mr. McGreevey will do what he promises. It is clear that Mr. McGreevy is better suited and prepared to provide responsible and responsive leadership on the issues that are important to all New Jerseyans.

As a lifelong Republican activist, I believe in the Republican Party and its ideals. However, some things are above party politics. That is why I, along with thousands of other New Jersey Republi-cans, have taken a bold stand and endorsed Mr. McGreevey for governor. Please join us in voting for Mr. McGeevey.

Walter Zalisko
Clarksburg, N.J.

The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be typed (double-spaced) and signed; they must be originals, not photocopies. The daytime phone number and address of the letter-writer must be given for verification purposes.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 4, 2001, No. 44, Vol. LXIX

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