President George W. Bush on Famine

Following is the text of President George W. Bush's message to Ukrainian Americans regarding the Great Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933.

On the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine, I join the people of Ukraine and those Americans who trace their roots to that country in remembering the victims of this crime against humanity.

This observance marks a horrific chapter in history, when millions of Ukrainians, in an effort to preserve their way of life, perished because they resisted Stalin's totalitarian ambitions. We honor the memories of those who died and pledge to never forget their suffering in the face of evil. At the same time, we recognize that Stalin failed. The struggles of his victims, in Ukraine and elsewhere, were not in vain. Their fate challenges us to remain vigilant and united against all those who threaten peace and security in the world.

Recent events in the United States have reminded us that freedom must never be taken for granted. As we confront the challenges of a new era, the leadership and the people of Ukraine owe it to the victims of the Famine to ensure that their dream of an independent, democratic and prosperous Ukraine is fully realized. Such efforts can lay the foundation for a brighter future for countless people, and help encourage the continued advancement of freedom and justice throughout the globe.

Best wishes to all those commemorating this solemn occasion.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 25, 2001, No. 47, Vol. LXIX

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