Thanks for helping language course

Dear Editor:

I wish to extend my (very) belated, but sincerest thanks to The Ukrainian Weekly for providing me with complimentary copies of the newspaper for Ukrainians taking the intermediate English language course that I taught (March 1 through May 5, 2000).

The Weekly was an invaluable supplement to the lessons and was very much appreciated by the students. In fact, many of them would come to class early just to read and discuss the articles!

I also enclose a donation to The Ukrainian Weekly Press Fund as a token of my appreciation and in memory of my father, (John Bekersky), whose deep love for his homeland and boundless generosity touched the lives of so many people.

Daria Bekersky
Tuxedo, N.Y.

We must support our president

Dear Editor:

As a former full-time New York City cop, New York City firefighter, federal (nautical) manager, plus a former part-time licensed New York City substitute teacher, Long Island volunteer fireman/rescue squad member, licensed New York City Watch Guard Patrol Agent and certified USCGR port security officer, its my observation (over many years) that only a fine line separates the criminal from the mentally deranged. On one hand, the criminal-minded have the propensity to commit mentally deranged acts - while on the other hand, the mentally deranged are too often criminal-minded. Yet, knowing this to be true, too many leaders and "professionals" in our society are inclined to allow these types, of what I call "potentials," to roam our streets virtually unchallenged.

However, many of the so-called "bleeding-hearts" in our midst are now having recriminations about their philosophic "liberal-mindedness" since the "9-11" human-bombers were allowed to use our ultra-liberal immigration system to attack the very heart of our democracy. Let's face it, fellow Americans, because of it, we are now under siege by a barely visible enemy - not by choice, but by dire circumstance. Our free society has become our Achilles' heel.

As a result, we must focus on (and steadfastly protect) the sacred values we so cherish as Americans. Therefore, it is the duty of every law-abiding person residing in this country to strongly support President George W. Bush's anti-terrorist law - citizen or otherwise. This will be our shield against future "attacks."

But, above all, we must never forget the "9-11" victims and their families. We must give them generous support - while bearing the residual pain we as a nation will suffer forever.

God bless America! We pray our freedoms will prevail!

Daniel Kozak
Greenville, N.C.

"The Weekly 2000": an excellent project

Dear Editor:

A brief note to thank you and your staff for this excellent project - "The Ukrainian Weekly 2000."

This is a brief history of development of our "Slavna Ukraina" and everyone should read it.

Are these books sent to any libraries - especially in Ukraine?

If not, we are considering sending them to a library in Lviv and, also, to the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

We have been sending National Geographics annually to Lviv and are now planning to do the same for the Mohyla University in Kyiv.

Congratulations on this excellent project!

Olga Prychka
Stratford, N.J.

Editor's note: Both volumes of "The Ukrainian Weekly 2000" were mailed only to our subscribers in North America. Thank you for your initiative.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 2, 2001, No. 48, Vol. LXIX

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