Terrorist attacks on U.S.: the international reaction

Special from RFE/RL Newsline

Afghan vet praises U.S. military strategy

MOSCOW - Moscow Oblast Chairman Boris Gromov, a former Soviet army commander in Afghanistan, has praised the U.S.-led anti-Taliban campaign in Tora Bora, Interfax reported on December 14. According to Mr. Gromov, the Americans "are doing everything right - first, the area was sealed off and then strikes were delivered at it forcing the Taliban fighters to surrender." Mr. Gromov added that the entire anti-Taliban operation in Afghanistan was professionally planned and implemented.

U.S. transport planes land in Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK - Four U.S. transport planes landed at Bishkek's Manas airport late on December 18, bringing equipment, Interfax reported. Some 150 troops are stationed at the Kyrgyz airport ready for the arrival of a 2,000-troop contingent.

Russia does not object to Kyrgyz offer

BISHKEK - Speaking in the capital of Kyrgyzstan on December 14 on the sidelines of the anti-terrorism conference, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Anatolii Safonov said Moscow has no objections to Kyrgyzstan offering the use of its airfields to the international anti-terrorism coalition, ITAR-TASS reported. Mr. Safonov said he is convinced the U.S. is not seeking to maintain a long-term military presence in Central Asia.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 23, 2001, No. 51, Vol. LXIX

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