UMANA president confers with Illinois officers

CHICAGO - The president of the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America (UMANA), Ihor Voyevidka M.D., discussed planning strategy with the newly elected officers of the Illinois Branch of the UMANA on Sunday, November 11.

In an ongoing effort to visit with many of the UMANA's scattered branches, Dr. Voyevidka traveled, at his own expense, from his home city of Reno, Nev., to Chicago to meet individually with the administration of the Illinois Branch.

The group met at the UMANA office headquartered in the Ukrainian Cultural Center on Chicago Avenue. Dr. Voyevidka sought advice and input from the branch administration, represented by Chapter President Bohdan Charkewycz, MD, Co-President Bohdan Iwanetz, M.D., Treasurer George Charuk, D.O., Secretary Taisa Seneczko, D.D.S., and Membership Director Larissa Iwanetz.

Topics of the meeting ranged widely, but focused on a review of past performance with a critical examination of the strengths and weaknesses of the chapter's activities. One important conclusion reached was to formulate and distribute to the Illinois Branch members a calendar of planned events for 2002-2003. This will allow members the luxury of planning one to two years ahead, in order to avoid scheduling difficulties well in advance of the dates in question.

Dr. Voyevidka sought input from the group concerning its recruitment efforts among younger physicians and dentists. Contact with students and residents was deemed key in developing an early interest in the association among young professionals. At the same time, efforts will continue to renew the activity of longtime members who may have become less active in UMANA over the years.

On behalf of the members of the UMANA Illinois Branch, the officers expressed thanks to Dr. Voyevidka for his personal visit to Chicago. They pledged to continue to work actively for UMANA locally and to cooperate with the national office in supporting its action on a national level. Both parties agreed to invest maximum effort in hosting the 37th Scientific Convention and the 30th Assembly of Delegates, which are scheduled to take place at the Allerton Crowne Plaza Hotel in Chicago on June 18-22, 2003.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 23, 2001, No. 51, Vol. LXIX

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