Ukrainian Engineers' Society approves new executive board

NEW YORK - Members of the Ukrainian Engineers' Society of America (UESA) installed 14 new executive officers during the organization's general meeting, held on October 27 at the Ukrainian Institute of America (UIA).

During the 2001-2003 term, the UESA national organization will be headed by Andrij Wowk, the newly elected UESA president, and Marco Shmerykowsky, P.E., national vice-president, who also heads the UESA New York City branch. The other members of the new executive board are: Bohdan Gerulak, AIA, Andrey Hankewycz, Tymish Hankewycz, Oleh Holynskyj; Wasyl Kinach, P.E. and Jaroslav Olach.

Elected to the Supervisory Committee were: Dr. Lev Dobrjanskyj (the outgoing UESA president), Petro Hrycak and John Shmerykowsky, P.E. The Judiciary Committeee will be composed of: Wolodymyr Hnatkowsky, Leonid Pachaluk and Wolodymyr Magun.

Mr. Wowk, who is also head of the UESA's New Jersey branch, presented the organization's plan of action for 2001-2003 during the meeting. Major action items will include improving communication between UESA members, branches and the national board; increasing the number of social and technical events; creating UESA student affiliates at major universities; and continuing cooperation with students and technical professionals in Ukraine.

The UESA is a professional organization of some 650 engineers, architects and other technical professionals, with branches throughout major metropolitan areas of the United States. For more information on the UESA, or to receive a membership application, visit the UESA website (, send e-mail to [email protected], or write to: UESA, 2 E. 79th St., New York, NY 10021.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 23, 2001, No. 51, Vol. LXIX

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