IFES poll reveals voter attitudes

KYIV - The International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES) on December 13 announced the release of its findings from a national random sample survey of voter attitudes in Ukraine. The purpose of this sample was to identify the main issues of interest to Ukrainian voters.

The survey shows that most Ukrainians:

In addition, the poll showed that 40 percent support political union with Russia, while 34 percent support membership in the European Union. Furthermore, 16 percent favor strict neutrality and 10 percent do not know. Of the youngest respondents (age 18-25) 46 percent support union with Europe, and 25 percent with Russia. A stronger orientation toward Europe is also seen among those with higher levels of education, (40 percent Europe, 33 percent Russia) and a higher standard of living (43 percent Europe, 14 percent Russia).

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 30, 2001, No. 52, Vol. LXIX

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