
The materials in this year-in-review section were prepared by Roma Hadzewycz, Ika Koznarska Casanova and Andrew Nynka in Parsippany, Roman Woronowycz in Kyiv, Yaro Bihun in Washington, Chris Guly in Ottawa, and Peter Steciuk and Andrew Olesnycky, college students home on winter break, who came to assist us here at the home office. Special thanks also to our production team: Markian Rybak and Awilda Rolon; as well as former production staffer Serge Polischuk, our webmaster and special projects person, who joined us at our editorial offices as we outputted this special project - this monster issue of 56 pages - which matches the record set in 1999.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 6, 2002, No. 1, Vol. LXX

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